Blackjack Switch – Rules, Strategy and Calculator

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Updated on: August 7th, 2024

Best Blackjack Switch CasinosBlackjack Switch is a variation of the casino card game created by casino player Geoff Hall in 2009. As the name suggests, players are allowed to switch cards in order to improve their hands. The result of these switch blackjack rules is a lower house edge but smaller payouts too.

Below, we have a look at what the game is, how its rules differ from regular blackjack, and how this impacts the odds. We also try to provide you with a list of casinos that offer the game. So, what are you waiting for? Don’t you want to win?

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Blackjack Switch Game

Not all that many gamblers have heard of blackjack switch. It is one of the newer variations of the game, only having been patented in 2009. Therefore, it is not available in as many casinos as the standard variation of the game.

If you are very good at card counting, you need to look at playing blackjack switch whether at Vegas or through the best online blackjack sites. Blackjack Switch odds are much better than other blackjack games mostly because you can improve hands with card switches, thereby increase your odds of winning.

Blackjack Switch Calculator

Blackjack Switch OnlineA blackjack switch calculator is a great tool to calculate odds and possible payouts. However if you are playing blackjack online, the odds and payouts are available for you. Remember each different hand combination pays out.

  • The lowest-paying hand which pays even is a Pair
  • A Three of a Kind hand payout is 5/1
  • A hand made up of two pairs pays out 7/1
  • Four of a kind hands are not that common and they have the best payout of 50 to 1.

Is Blackjack Switch Better Than Blackjack?

The blackjack switch game has lower house edge, for this reason too, most land based casinos do not offer the game. It also allows players to use techniques that would initially be considered cheating any other variation of blackjack. The online casino game is actually a card counter’s delight, and if that doesn’t get you interested, we don’t know what will.

How Do You Play Blackjack Switch?

How to Play Blackjack SwitchAlthough blackjack switch varies a bit from the traditional version of the game, it retains many of the original game’s rules. Below we go through a quick look at how a game is played and how the rules differ:

  • At the start of a round, players are dealt two cards face up. In regular blackjack, players are only dealt one card. Players are required to place the same bet on each of the two hands.
  • The game’s name “Switch comes from the fact that players are allowed to switch the second card they are dealt for each hand with the other to create better hands. Players should only do this is if it improves their odds.
  • Players are only allowed to switch hands once. Aside from the switch rule, the rest of the game proceeds like a regular blackjack game.
  • Players are allowed to split aces, however they can only hit on those split aces once.
  • There is a switch blackjack rule that gives the house great advantage. That is, a push applies in Switch even when the dealer is bust, but only by one. The player only wins if the dealer is over 22 not 21 like the standard blackjack game


Blackjack Switch Odds

Blackjack Switch OddsAs mentioned above, the trade-off of getting to improve your hand is that payouts are lower than in a regular game. A win in regular blackjack pays out 3:2. However, a win in blackjack switch pays out even money (1:1), which is a real turnoff for some players. In addition to this, dealers don’t bust if they get a score of 22. Instead, the result is a tie, and player bets are pushed to the next game.

That said, the blackjack switch house edge is slightly lower than any other variation of the game. This makes it slightly more appealing to players looking to increase their chances of walking away with any sort of profit.

Best Blackjack Switch Strategy

Blackjack Switch StrategyBlackjack switch basic strategy doesn’t need to be hard despite many players claiming that it is. Starting hands with values between 9 and 11 as well as 18 and 21 do well with a switch. You decide whether or not to switch based on the cards in the dealers’ hands. We suggest you follow the general rules outlined below:

  • If the dealer is showing a 7 or 8, try to make sure that your weakest hand at least reaches a score of 9.
  • However, if the dealer has anything higher than this, try and focus on making one hand as strong as possible. The aim is to try and force a push so that you get another chance to win.

Focusing on pushes means that you may have to wait longer to see any real winning, but at the very least, you won’t constantly be losing.

Play Free Blackjack Switch Online

Free Blackjack SwitchWhen trying a new game, it is always best to practice before placing any real money wagers on it. We recommend gamblers try blackjack switch free of any charge before playing for real money at the top casino sites. Players get to understand how the game works in a safe environment without risking their money for unnecessary reasons.

In addition, players get a chance to test out new switch blackjack strategy tips they would like to implement in their game and see how they fair without losing any money. Finally, blackjack switch online free games also give players an opportunity to keep playing the game even when their bankroll comes to an end. This is always an appreciated feature that many US players look out for.

Blackjack Switch FAQs

Blackjack Switch FAQs

Is blackjack switch better than blackjack?

Well, this depends on what type of player you are. Blackjack switch offers lower payouts but statistically a greater chance of winning. Some players prefer bigger payout whereas others prefer bigger payouts. This is how you will determine whether or not blackjack switch is better than the original version of the game.

How do you play blackjack switch?

Blackjack Switch is played with two hands. The first two cards are dealt face-up, after that the next two are dealt facedown. Players have an opportunity to switch once throughout the game. The aim is to build two hands that beat both the dealers. If you are only able to beat one hand, your bet is pushed to the next game.

What casinos have blackjack switch?

There are a few brick-and-mortar casinos throughout the United States that offer blackjack switch. It isn’t as popular as other variations of the game though due to the lower payouts and lowered house edge. Many online casinos do offer the game. If you are looking to get started in the game, we recommend scrolling up to the casino’s list above on this page.

Why is counting cards illegal?

Card counting is not illegal. Casinos just don’t like it when you do it and have the right to kick you out if they catch you doing so. Casinos don’t like it when anybody wins too often, so expect to make many enemies if you find yourself on the right side of a winning streak that just won’t come to an end.

How much should you bet in blackjack switch?

Well, as blackjack switch bets payout less than those in other variations of blackjack, some players are tempted to make bigger bets. However, we don’t recommend this. Your bet size should always be set in relation to your total bankroll. Our standard baseline is that no bet should ever exceed 10% of your bankroll, as this is just asking for a short game session.

How do you win blackjack switch every time?

There is no strategy that will ever ensure that you win any variation of blackjack every single time. Any strategy that claims to be foolproof is either a form of cheating or a scam. If you can’t deal with the fact that you are going to lose some games while gambling, you shouldn’t be gambling.

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