Popular Keno Terms Glossary

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Updated on: June 22nd, 2021

Keno originates in China but has found its way to US casinos. The game is thought to have reached Texas in the late 1860s. American gamblers have over the years grown to enjoy this lottery style game. However, some still feel a bit intimidated by Keno. Originally the game had Chinese character, but in the US, players have a ticket with 80 numbers. Each player has a ticket with numbers and they choose numbers at random on the ticket. You can find out all you need to know about the game of Keno in our detailed keno guide. What we have compiled here is a glossary of Keno terms to help you get more comfortable with the game. We also have listed the top Keno casinos online which accept US players

Play Online Keno at US Casinos

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Up to $7,000 in Bonuses
Up to $8,000 of welcome bonus
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350% Bonus up to $3,000

Best Keno Terms to Know

Online Keno Paytables

Keno paytables layout the possible combinations and their corresponding payouts. The paytables vary with each casino


Keno Table

This is a table or grid with all 80 numbers. Players select numbers on this grid when they play online.



The amount wagered by the player per round in Keno.


Payout Percentage

The amount paid out to the player when they win. For instance, if each bet won pays out double and a player bet $50. the win is $100 and if the casino pays the player $95 the casino’s payout percentage is 95%. The 5% is their profit margin. Check the payout percentage of the keno game or casino you choose before your p [lay.



The budget a player sets to play any gambling games



The “House” is the colloquial name which refers to the casino


House Edge

House edge is the present probability of winning in each casino game. It is the casino’s present guarantee of making a profit over the longer. Some games have a higher house edge compared to others. It’s always advisable to compare casino house edge of the available know games at the different casinos

Quick Pick

An option top let a random number generator to select the numbers you want to play for you keno round.


Aggregate Limit

An aggregate limit is the maximum amount that a casino pays out per round. In the event that a player exceeds this amount they have to settle for a lesser amount within the aggregate limit.


Random Number Generator

The casino software system which randomly chooses the know results numbers. An RNG is not present with therefore it cannot be rigged. Random Number Generators are used to generate results for even casino games that are not number related e.g. to generate cards for video poker games


Way Ticket

Way Tickets are known tickets with more than one bet

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